Application Deadline: August 15th, 2024
*The deadline dates above are Pacific Standard Time (PST). All applications are due before 11:59PM on the listed due dates.
Result Announcement:September 30th, 2024
Application Fee
Solo Division: $150/person
Chamber Division: $100/person
*All application fee are not refundable.
Open to pianists, violinists, cellists (all nationalities) aged 5 to 24.
Solo Division (Piano, Violin, Cello) and Chamber Division (All Instruments - Duo, Trio, Quartet, Quintet):
*Chamber Music includes two pianos or piano four hands; or chamber groups of two, three, four, or five members
*Duos of piano and another solo instrument do not count as chamber music. This should be in solo division.
*Chamber Music Division welcomes all instruments, not limited to piano, violin, and cello.
1.Grand Prize, First Prize, Second Prize, and Third Prize will be awarded to selected winners.
2.Grand and First Prize Winners will be invited to perform in the winners concert at Carnegie Hall in 2025. The travel and accommodation fee will not be covered by the competition committee. Each winner needs to submit a recital fee $450/winner for Carnegie Hall winners recital participation.
*If any first prize winners are not able to perform in the concert, the second prize winners of what category with the highest score(s) will be nominated to perform.
3.Cash awards will be given to Grand Prize Winners. There will be only one grand prize winner chosen from each solo category, and only one grand prize will be chosen from the entire chamber division. The cash awards is $200/person for both solo and chamber divisions.
4.Selected Winners will have the opportunity to participate at the Masterclass with Yale University piano professor Melvin Chen in Irvine California in December 2024.
5.Competition certificates and medals will be awarded to all prize winners.
6.The jury’s decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
7.The Irvine International Music Competition Committee reserves all the rights.
Solo Division Category (including Piano, Violin, and Cello)
Category A: Age 5-7 (born after September 1st, 2016)
Category B: Age 8-10 (born after September 1st, 2013)
Category C: Age 11-13 (born after September 1st, 2010)
Category D: Age 14-16 (born after September 1st, 2007)
Category E: Age 17-18 (born after September 1st, 2005)
Category F: Age 19-24 (born after September 1st, 1999)
Chamber Division Category (all instruments)
Category A: Age 13 and under (born after September 1st, 2010)
Category B: Age 14-18 (born after September 1st, 2005)
Category C: Age 19-24 (born after September 1st, 1999)
Solo Division Repertoire Requirement
Category A – Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 4 min.
Category B – Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 4 min.
Category C - Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 5 min.
Category D - Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 7 min.
Category E - Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 8 min.
Category F - Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 12 min.
Chamber Division Repertoire Requirement
Category A: Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 6 min.
Category B: Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 8 min.
Category C: Applicants’ choice of repertoire with limit of 12 min.
Video Requirements
1.Video needs to be recorded within the past 12 months.
2.High quality video is required, with clear image and audio.
3.The video must clearly show the applicant’s both hands and full body (for piano applicants, please show the use of pedal in the video).
4.Editing is prohibited within movements or single movement pieces.
5.It is fine to combine different movements or pieces together into one video.
6.Same video submitted in previous competition cannot be used again.
7.Only ONE video link is acceptable per application. Please include all competition pieces in ONE video.
8.The applicant needs to label the title of the video on YouTube with “Category” + “2024 ICM Competition”.
9.The competition video must be “open to public” or “unlisted” on YouTube.
10.We strongly encourage string applicants (Violin and Cello) to perform pieces with live piano accompaniment. However, the applicate who is not able to perform with a pianist or only able to perform with audio track accompaniment will still be eligible for the competition.
11.Memorization is required for solo applicants. Chamber applicants can use sheet music when recording video.
12.If the video does not meet the requirements above, the applicant will not be eligible for the competition.
Judging Criteria
0-10 Technique (accuracy, clarity, tone quality, articulation, intonation)
0-10 Interpretation (musicality, style, balance, tempo, rhythm, pedaling, imagination)
0-10 Musical achievement (level of repertoire, stage presence, memorization, artistry)
Total: 30 points